This sounded too good to be true, so as usual, any offers that I get into my mail, get researched and used before they get put into my personal arsenal of internet marketing tools
This newest tool is called Article Marketing Robot and its claim to fame is that it boasts over 1234 Article Directories in the database that you can submit to. I can honestly attest to that and when you take the 5 Day Trial, you will see for yourself. However, can you actually SUBMIT to all 1000+ directories. the quick answer is NO, the other answer is, with a little tweaking and a little work, you can get it to do about 75% of that. Still, thats a hell of a lot better than 20 minutes each article. Anyone care to dispute this? Of course, I should NOT have used the SAME exact article as Google will punish for duplicate content, but I wasn't worried as I rank high enough on page one now anyways
I spoke with the originator and writer of the software, who asked me to Beta Test it and I must honestly say that I am impressed so far.
I am not going into how all of this works. Thats what the video is for. I watched him submit and actually get his site indexed in UNDER 15 MINUTES, in Google Cache Directory
I then set my copy up in about 30 minutes. After you enter in all your information and import /and or spin your articles, then its time to include directories
I chose ALL. I did not allow it to schedule 10-100 per hour. I let it all go at once and in 18 minutes, I had 655 Directories submitted to.
ONE Warning, do NOT use your PRIMARY e-mail address!!!. I had over 400 confirmation messages in the first ten minutes. Most were just deleted, some asked for confirmation, and alot was signups for extended services, but you still have to read thru them.
All in all, I am impressed as every day, my site numbers have gone up steadily by anywhere from 15-45 hits each day, and
For an insiders view on this fantastic Tool, see Article Marketing
If you haven't been reading my blog daily, my previous post below is for the Article Video Robot, which turns acticles into Video and Google loves them
If you are REALLY serious about Article Rewriting, and using both of these tools, along with having YOUR articles rewritten for you, then also see my site at: Article Rewriting Service
You can also watch the video there for free on article rewriting
Have a great weekend and happy promoting..John
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