Web Traffic is basically the amount of visitor volume that reaches any given website, blog, article, or advertising link. If you have a website, you already know all about traffic. If you are just starting out in the web promotion world, you would probably want to have many people visiting your website as possible, but like many small site owners, you don't have the capital to buy advertising to drive traffic to your site. Without paid, your traffic to your site will be minimal. At least, thats what everyone has always told you.
But what if there was a way to achieve this goal without spending a dime?There is a free way to increase traffic overnight and it can take you anywhere from one hour a week to several hours, depending on the help you have, the tools you use and the way you get the word out about your site.
Let me introduce you to the world of article writing, promotion and marketing. Today, there are vast numbers of websites getting all the free organic traffic that they have wished for and with proper practice and experience, You can have this same traffic going to your site.
It is important that visitors in your website MUST Become interested in the product you are selling. When you have this type of visitor, this is called targeted web traffic. This is how here is where relevant article marketing comes in. You simple create a relevant article about your product or website that you want to get traffic. You submit this article
to any or all of the several hundred article directories listed on Google.
You then write your 300-500 word article and be sure NOT to copy anyone elses material. Remember to include the URL of your website in the resouce box, which is where you tell 1-2 lines about yourself and inform the reader that they must click on your link to learn more. Remember that if the article is boring, your reader usually will not finish reading it, and then it becomes useless as no one will read it.
The nezt step is submitting these to the top article directories and hundreds of lower ranked directories. use as many as you wish. More articles, bring more traffic, but remember, you must submit original copy to each article website. Don't make the mistake of sending one original article to 100 sites, as Google will call thei duplicate content and you will not get ranking credit for this.
Article targeted traffic is one of the most important factors to insure the success of a commercial website. As far as paying for rewriting tools, software or automatic article submitters, all of your info is free. Article you have researched this fiels a little, you will see that they are many companies that will help you with writing your articles for a fee.
if you would like to see a video on the one that I use and some of the tools I use, see:
Article Marketing
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