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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Increase Website Trafic Counts with Article Writing Secrets

If you are new to article marketing and article promotion, you are probably overwhelmed with information. Yes, you need to know the words Article writing, article rewriting, article submission, article directories and article marketing. Its really not that difficult and after reading this beginners guide to article promotion, you should be well on your way to matering the art of article promotion and marketing

I want to introduce you to the world of article writing, promotion and marketing. Today, there are vast numbers of websites getting all the free organic traffic that they have always wished for, and with proper practice and experience, You can have this same traffic going to your site.
Before you sit down to write your first article, put yourself in your reader's shoes and ask .. "What does this article offer me in the form of help?" Do the research to see what your readers want by doing surveys with your own audience or do keyword searches on Google to find what the most talked about subjects are. Want a great starting tip? Type your article topic keyword into Google, followed by the word "Forums". The look at all of the forum posts and see which topics have the most replies and comments. If you see that the topic you are writing about is hot in the market, chances are, you will have a good readership.

You then set out to write your 300-500 word article and be sure NOT to copy anyone elses material. Find related articles on the web and print them out. Study how they are laid out and take a hard look at the Resource Box at the bottom of every article. Remember to include the URL of your website in the resource box, which is where you tell 1-2 lines about yourself and inform the reader that they must click on your link to learn more. Remember that if the article is boring, your reader usually will not finish reading it, and then it becomes useless as no one will read down to see your resouce box. Keep the reader interested enough to want to click on your link and read more.

It is important that visitors to your website must have an interest in the product you are selling. When you have this type of visitor, this is called targeted web traffic. This is where relevant article marketing comes in. You simple create a relevant article about your product or website that you want to get traffic to. You then submit this article to any or all of the several hundred article directories listed on Google, then wait for the traffic to appear iin the next seven day and then forever after, and Its all free trafic.

If you decide that taking eight hours is too much time to spend submitting articles manually by hand, there is automated robot software that will post yur article to over 700 directories in less that 30 minutes. It is simply an amazing piece of automated software, and the options for rewriting your articles are also included. I also have this on my site for your review. It's One of my most favorite tools.

Once you get your first article written, then its time to decide to do this again, or have a rewriter do this for you, as you cannot submit the same exact article to all off the directories. The search engines will see that this is duplicate content, and punish you by moving your website to a lower level on the page, and a lower ranking for your site. This is where an article rewriter comes in. You can learn all about article rewriting on my site at: Article Writing Services.

Article targeted traffic is one of the most important factors to insure the success of a commercial website. If you enjoy writing, then do it yourself. If not, then seriously consider saving hours every day by contacting the article writing out. As far as paying for rewriting tools, software or automatic article submitters,its always up to you when it comes to ease of convenience in your daily chores. . After you have researched this field a little, you will see that they are many companies that will help you with writing your articles for a fee, and another resource is to buy software that does this for you.

If you would like to see a Demonstration Video on the tools and services that are available to you, see here:
or click below:

Article Marketing Tools

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